We are delighted to announce that Timothy Wynn will be the Adjudicator for our 2025 Festival.

More info following….. please put the dates in your diary.

Thank you to all of our 2024 Festival Sponsors

Shayne Neumann MP – Federal Member for Blair | Jennifer Howard MP – State Member for Ipswich Queensland Museum Rail Workshops, Ipswich | Prince Alfred Hotel | Kevin & Robyn Harm – Managed Solutions | RK & JE Sheppard – Electricians and Electrical Contractors | Ian & Helen Pullar | Yvonne Gardiner | Robyn Flashman | Jim Orr | Di Johnston | Desley Cronon | Sandra Harle | Alan Brown | Pam Floris | Suzanne Matulich | Anne England | Rosewood Lions | Austin-Greenhill families | Ann & Keith Collyer | Peter Carmichael | Deirdre Lowe | Ipswich Men’s Shed |Crossfyre Players | Connie Foy | Matt Clayton | A.J. Robinson

What is a One Act Play Festival?

Each year, across South East Queensland, there is a flurry of thespian activity as small and large theatre groups select a one-act play, audition and cast the required actors and rehearse intently to create the very best possible production of that play.

Each Festival hosts an average of 15 – 20 plays across intermediate or open sections, with a wide range of awards available to be won. Every Festival chooses an Adjudicator to judge the entries, with the awards session always a highly anticipated event.

Festivals are held as far away as Dalby, south to Beenleigh and north to the Sunshine Coast with the season running from June to September. Some plays are entered into all Festivals, some only to one or two, but regardless of the number all speak of the fun, friendliness and rewards that are gained.

For 69 years now, we have welcomed theatre groups from around the state and country to compete in our One Act Play Festival. On the weekend of 8th, 9th, 10th August 2025, Ipswich Little Theatre will once again host one of the longest-running festivals of its type in Australia (and the Southern Hemisphere – for that matter).

We are proud that our Festival has a reputation of being one of the friendliest and best organised on the South East Queensland Theatre Festival circuit and hope to welcome you as an entrant or patron this year.